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Civil Society, Social Norms, and Governance

  • UCCS: Hybl 225 (see map below) 4925 North Nevada Avenue Colorado Springs, CO, 80918 United States (map)

In the study of political economy, most students and scholars focus on the performance of markets or states. Indeed, it is often assumed that markets fail and therefore government action is needed to correct behavior and guide it toward a better, more socially beneficial outcome. But what if there was something beyond markets and government? Or more properly, something between markets and government? In this talk, Anthony Gill provides a framework for discussion to think about the role of civil society and social norms that allow private individuals to cooperate without the need for coercive government.

About the Speaker

Anthony Gill is a professor of political science at the University of Washington. He has written extensively on the political economy of religion and is currently interested in the cultural practice of gift-giving. He is the recipient of the UW's Distinguished Teaching Award (1999) and writes popular pieces for the American Institute of Economic Research. You can visit his website at to view his full bio as well as publications, posters, and puppet photos.